Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just Leave John Wooden Alone Already

The NCAA has once again proven how much it sucks, announcing that it is investigating a meeting John Wooden had with Kevin Love in 2006. I say, let John Wooden talk to whoever the hell he wants. If John Wooden wants to recruit 3rd graders for UCLA, then let him. For two reasons: first, Wooden was probably the greatest coach in NCAA history. Second, hes a fossil. The guy is 97 years old, do you think he really needs an NCAA investigation right now? The NCAA will feel pretty awful if Wooden dies from all the stress they put on him. So, they should just drop the investigation and let him rest.

But then theres the problem of UCLA fans who apparently want their hero to die of exhaustion. The man is trying to watch a game and you people feel the need to ask him for autographs...for free, no less. How would little Jimmy feel if he is asking Mr. Wooden for an autograph and...BAM the Wizard of Westwood is dead. So Bruin fans join the NCAA and leave him alone, and let the man enjoy his twighlight years.

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